Wednesday, 16 November 2016

What happens to our food?

As part of our new science topic, we learnt about the digestive system. We then worked in a group to make a model and include the main parts. 

Monday, 14 November 2016

Lantern Workshop

We have had a fantastic day! Today we had the opportunity to work with artists Russell ( and April to make lanterns ready to take part in Ellesmere Port light switch on. 

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Cheshire Phoenix Health and Fitness Workshop

We had a great afternoon today working with the team from Cheshire Phoenix! We took part in 3 workshops about the dangers of smoking, the importance of a healthy diet and of course some basketball skills! 

Monday, 26 September 2016

Mayan Mania!

We have been so impressed by summer holiday homework! Year 6 were asked to find out about the Mayans (our new topic) and show this in anyway they liked. 

Friday, 1 July 2016


For our last night, we had a campfire and listened to stories from our leaders and displayed some of our amazing talent! 

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Team shot after orienteering

Groups 2's afternoon

Today group 2 went swimming (and we can't take pictures). They then did laser maze and grid of stones followed by the sensory trail! We all had a hot shower afterwards! 

Sensory trail

Today, we did conquest and then group 2 took part in the sensory trail! 

Laser maze and grid of stones

Today we are inside the main house and are working as a team. We had to cross the grid of stones and dodge the lasers together.